Colorbond Fencing.
Good looking from all sides, with minimal fuss and little encroachment. Win- win for you and the neighbour.
Colorbond fencing can be customised with different sheet styles and colours.
It also looks the same on both sides, so no need to battle with the neighbour over who gets the nice side.
And the best part is that it is one of the more cost effective fencing options!
Colorbond Fence in Woodland Grey, with Core Drilled Post Holes Built in Coogee, NSW
Colorbond Fencing in the Colour "Monument" With H4 retaining sleepers. Fence installed in Rose Bay, NSW
Daycare Colorbond fence in Marrickville, NSW
Stepped Fence in Colorbond. The step offers more privacy and screening in your boundary fence. Located Eastern Suburbs, NSW
Colorbond Boundary Fencing. Reinforced with galvanised box posts and pine retaining. Located in Kirawee, NSW